My son Joey and I back in 2001

Bio / Press Release

Joe expresses his faith through his songs lyrics and creates music to inspire and encourage.His favorite verse, Corinthians 2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him." really summarizes his journey ever since he allowed his life to be used by the Lord.

He got started with music as a bass player in a family band about twenty five years ago. He would play at some local clubs in the area and he did this for about eight years. He came to know the Lord in 1993 when He met his wife Diane, and a year later he was married and in 1996 he had a son Joey. He continued playing the bass until March of 2000 just before his dads passing 4/2/2000, he had encouraged Joe to sing, which he had never done, so he bought a guitar, and ironically, he wrote and sang a song for him at his wake called "Here I am". Well after that the Lord continued putting songs on his heart, and a year later he released a Cd called "Father To Son" dedicated to his dad. Since then he has written many songs and has been blessed with many opportunities to perform with some of his Christian musician friends in the tri-state area, at coffee houses, Churches, Christian Overcomer's events, Ocean Grove Gospel music ministries, He also has lead worship at his Church in Fort Lee NJ for over 17 years.

Joe's desire changed from his early beginnings as a rock and roll bass player, to making music to open hearts and minds that been hardened and give the listener hope. Joe is happy to be used as a tool in the hands of God. This thought inspired the title for his second Cd "Hands Of God" which was released in 2006, he released his third Cd "Risen Son" which is the title track in 2009, on 12/13/12 he released his fourth Cd "Can You Hear My Voice" it's from the title track, a song that gives a voice to those without a voice, the unborn. His song "I''m An Overcomer" is a another song inspired by his ministry with the handicapped, which looks at the courage of people who find their strength in the Lord. The song "There's An Answer" proclaims the name of Jesus, which brought healing to himself, as he penned the words, about dealing with his own alcoholic father. People who have had all types of hardships and abusive situations have connected with the messages and have felt God's love and compassion through them. He also hopes these songs can touch you in a way that brings you closer to the Lord.

May God bless you,



Leading worship with the girls from church about 6 years ago

Press Release

Inspiration, Love, and Encouragement Through New Music

Joe Wamsley is a Musician,Singer/Songwriter who creates music to inspire, while sharing love and
encouragement. As a Christian, Joe expresses his faith through his song lyrics, as he sings praise to
God. Joe and his friends play an upbeat style of music that will inspire the heart.

3000 Records-Terrance D Schenansky-2009